Search begins for dean to lead reimagined University College

Search begins for dean to lead reimagined University College

Washington University in St. Louis has launched a national search for a new dean to lead professional and continuing education at the university. Currently operating as University College, the school is being reimagined as a community-focused hub for adult learners in the St. Louis region, providing new programs for career advancement and enrichment.
2021-22 tuition, room, board, fees announced

2021-22 tuition, room, board, fees announced

Undergraduate tuition at Washington University in St. Louis will be $57,750 for the 2021-22 academic year — a $1,450 (2.6%) increase over the 2020-21 academic tuition of $56,300, announced Amy B. Kweskin, vice chancellor for finance and chief financial officer.
Federal Statistical Research Data Center to open at Washington University

Federal Statistical Research Data Center to open at Washington University

Washington University in St. Louis researchers will soon have better access to important government data in economics, demography, urban and regional development, health care and other fields. The U.S. Census Bureau has approved plans for a Federal Statistical Research Data Center branch at Washington University in St. Louis, tentatively scheduled to open during the 2022-23 academic year.

Divided City announces grant opportunity

The Divided City: An Urban Humanities Initiative announces a new funding opportunity. Senior lecturers, professors of the practice, tenure-track and tenured faculty can apply for grants of up to $20,000 in support of collaborative research, field institutes and community engagement on urban segregation, broadly conceived. The deadline is Feb. 17.

Postdoc Peer Mentorship Program launches

A new program has launched at Washington University to support principal investigators and their postdoctoral researchers. The Postdoc Peer Mentorship Program is accepting applications for those who wish to be mentors and for those who would like a mentor on both the Danforth and Medical campuses. The deadline is Feb. 1. 
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