Empowering women around the world
Young entrepreneur Rebecca van Bergen improves lives around the globe by helping artisans find well-paying, long-term work through her company Nest.
Six tips on entrepreneurism
Alumni and experts share tips about how to be a successful entrepreneur.
What do your co-workers really think of you?
Everyday in the workplace, colleagues actively compete for a limited amount of perks, including raises, promotions, bonuses and recognition. But new research from Washington University in St. Louis shows more than often than not, people fall short in determining which co-workers might be trying to edge them out on the job.
WashU Experts: The First 100 Days
America spoke in November, one month after the candidates collided in the presidential debate held Oct. 9 at Washington University in St. Louis. In the days that followed the historic 2016 election, faculty experts across campus offered their perspectives on the economy, the legislative responses, the cultural and global ripple effects.
What is wrong with pharma?
The general public has a sense that something is amiss with the pharmaceutical industry, but few might consider it in a state of collapse. Washington University’s Michael Kinch tries to convince otherwise in “A Prescription for Change,” his history and review of the industry.
Study: How new Airbnb nondiscrimination policy may be worse
New research co-authored by a faculty member at Washington University in St. Louis’s Olin Business School shows that more information about guests, as opposed to less, is important to eliminate potential bias in sharing economy platforms such as Airbnb.
University technology earned $16 million in 2016
Washington University in St. Louis made great strides in 2016 in developing and licensing innovative technologies to solve real-world problems. The university earned an estimated $16 million in royalties and licensing agreements related to technology development.
From Wydown Water to wine: Brooklyn Winery
WashU alum, Brian Leventhal left his job in the middle of the 2008 economic crisis to start Brooklyn Winery. Now, Brooklyn Winery is expanding to DC.
Study: Surge pricing isn’t as painful as you may think
New research from Washington University in St. Louis’s Olin Business School shows price hikes in ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft during peak use times, such as New Year’s Eve, can actually benefit both drivers and consumers.
Three questions with student entrepreneur Shea Gouldd
Shea Gouldd started her first business at 14 years old. Now she is studying entrepreneurism at Washington University and has opened up a second business, Bear-Y Sweet Shoppe, on campus.
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