Computer-simulated soybeans

Computer-simulated soybeans

Where machine learning meets spring planting and big data intersects with farming big and small, two Olin Business School researchers have devised a computational model so farmers and seedmakers could take the guesswork out of which particular variety of, say, soybean to plant each year.
Shaking up business with the Bard

Shaking up business with the Bard

The second annual Shakespeare at Olin event April 15 will bring together jugglers, magicians and musicians evoking the Renaissance era, along with performances of the Bard’s works by community players and a reappearance of The Dean’s Players.
Insolvency, not liquidity, is the problem

Insolvency, not liquidity, is the problem

Reviewing empirical and theoretical papers in the aftermath of the 2007-09 financial crisis, Olin Business School finance expert Anjan Thakor cites a twofold finding from his study. First, U.S. and European banks need to understand that insolvency was the issue that rocked the world, not liquidity; and second, the current standards for bank capital are all wrong and require adjustment.
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