Better decisions, better choices

Better decisions, better choices

Every day we make thousands of decisions, from the small – what to eat? what to wear? – to the potentially life-changing choices involving our health or financial future. Olin Business School consumer behavior psychologist Hannah Perfecto does her research at the juncture of judgment and decision-making and has learned none of it has to be so hard.
Navigating a difficult tax year

Navigating a difficult tax year

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is expected to have another challenging year processing returns. Experts at Washington University’s Low Income Taxpayer Clinic offer tips, including: file early and electronically if possible.
Design for good

Design for good

No other discipline operates at the intersection of innovation and creativity as does fashion, which has the power to change us and our world. Great fashion design not only makes us look better, it helps us be better. Here’s an in-depth look how.
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