Spinning gold

Spinning gold

In The Watermen, Michael Loynd, JD ’99, weaves a compelling tale of how U.S. swimming became an international power in the first decade of the 20th century — and the band of upstart American swimmers who made it so.
Louis I Kahn

Louis I Kahn

Revised and expanded 2nd edition

The significance of the work of Louis I Kahn, one of the greatest influences on post-World War II architecture, has skyrocketed in the twenty-first century. Robert McCarter’s bestselling and critically-acclaimed monograph explains how Kahn redefined Modern architecture and why his work remains a fundamental source for architects and designers today. Now thoughtfully updated, this comprehensive […]
WUHHU presents hip-hop showcase

WUHHU presents hip-hop showcase

Washington University Hip Hop Union specializes in commercial dance – the high-energy style that backup dancers typically perform at concerts and in music videos. They will perform, along with other student groups, in a showcase Saturday, Nov. 12.
Occupational therapy clinic breaks ground in Delmar Maker District

Occupational therapy clinic breaks ground in Delmar Maker District

Over the last year, a team of architects, medical professionals and engineers from Washington University in St. Louis and Chicago-based architecture firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill have explored questions about building design and people’s health through interdisciplinary design studios and seminars. Now that research is bearing fruit. On Nov. 11, a new Smart Home for Occupational Therapy Healing — aka SMOOTH House — will break ground in St. Louis’ Delmar Maker District.
Colonies of Paradise

Colonies of Paradise


The first book of poetry by Matthias Göritz to be available in English, in a translation by a renowned writer Very few books of poetry by contemporary German writers are available to English-speaking readers. In “Colonies of Paradise,” acclaimed poet and translator Mary Jo Bang introduces the poems of novelist, poet and translator Matthias Göritz, […]
‘Into the Woods’ in Edison Theatre

‘Into the Woods’ in Edison Theatre

Cinderella wishes for festivals. Jack wishes for food. The baker and his wife wish for a child. The storybook world is filled with longing and magic and the happiest of ever afters. For a while, at least. But what happens once the wishes have all come true?
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