Eleanor’s Moon

Eleanor’s Moon

Eleanor is born during a brilliant harvest moon. Moments after her birth, while she lies safely in her grandfather’s arms, he tells her, “No matter where we are, we will always share the moon.” And they do. As Eleanor grows, her grandpa teaches her to love the moon. Together they observe it in all its […]


An Argument for Limits

What is the meaning of “adventure” as we enter the third decade of the 21st century, after a global pandemic, social and geopolitical calamities, and accelerating environmental catastrophes? What stories are humans telling about wilderness, remote destinations, and the most difficult thoughts thinkable? 
‘Adam Pendleton: To Divide By’

‘Adam Pendleton: To Divide By’

The Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University in St. Louis presents “Adam Pendleton: To Divide By,” an exhibition that spans the past five years of the renowned artist’s practice, with a marked emphasis on abstract composition.
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