Decker edits American Music 40th anniversary issue
Todd Decker, a professor of musicology in Arts & Sciences, edited a special issue of American Music, marking the journal’s 40th anniversary.
Hotchner Festival presents four new plays
Three WashU playwrights — Maddy Klass, Bela Marcus and Charlie Meyers — will present world-premiere staged readings as part of the 2023 A.E. Hotchner Playwriting Festival.
‘The distribution of ideas’
Publishing is both a centuries-old intellectual tradition and a sprawling contemporary practice. Yet at its core, publishing seeks to answer one overarching question: How do ideas make their way into the world? So argues Martin Riker, director of the new publishing concentration in the Department of English in Arts & Sciences.
A Moment in the Sun
Robert Ernest’s Brief but Brilliant Life in Architecture
Robert Ernest was an architect of rare promise and remarkable early success, whose award-winning career was cut short by cancer at age 28 in 1962. Despite the brevity of Ernest’s life, his education and practice were intertwined with some of the most important figures in architecture, including his interactions with Louis I. Kahn and Paul Rudolph.
A Film in Which I Play Everyone
“A Film in Which I Play Everyone” takes its title from a response David Bowie gave to a fan who asked if he had upcoming film roles. “I’m looking for backing for an unauthorized autobiography that I am writing,” Bowie answered. “Hopefully, this will sell in such huge numbers that I will be able to sue myself for an extraordinary amount of money and finance the film version in which I will play everybody.”
Sam Fox School Public Lecture Series begins Sept. 22
Artist Adam Pendleton, designer Kelli Anderson, Whitney curator Adrienne Edwards and architects Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi are among an international array of creative professionals who will discuss their work for the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts’ fall Public Lecture Series.
‘Golden Bachelor’ could normalize quest for romance at any age
“The Golden Bachelor,” this fall on ABC, has the potential to help normalize the desire for love at any age, with a few caveats, said a Washington University expert on productive engagement of older adults.
Music at the Intersection
The annual Music at the Intersection festival will be Sept. 9-10 in midtown’s Grand Center Arts District and will pay homage to the 50th anniversary of hip-hop. WashU is a major sponsor, and students can get discounted tickets.
University Libraries awarded grant to preserve born-digital poetry collections
Washington University Libraries received a two-year grant from the Mellon Foundation to support an exploration of essential questions surrounding the acquisition, discoverability, preservation and use of born-digital poetry collections. The $250,000 award will enable the libraries to develop online resources and systems to process, preserve and steward the collections of a new generation of digital-native poets.
Campbell named 2023-24 Freund Fellow
Multidisciplinary artist, experimental filmmaker and writer Crystal Z Campbell has been named the Henry L. and Natalie E. Freund Teaching Fellow at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts for the 2023-24 academic year.
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