Vice chancellor for finance, CFO search committee named

Feiner to retire from the positions Dec. 31

Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton has appointed an eight-member committee to identify candidates for the position of vice chancellor for finance and chief financial officer at Washington University in St. Louis.


Barbara A. Feiner announced her plans to retire Dec. 31 as vice chancellor for finance and CFO after 19 years at the university.

“We are fortunate to have had an exceptionally strong vice chancellor for finance and chief financial officer in Barb Feiner,” Wrighton said. “She has led our financial team exceptionally well, and has contributed to making the position one that is very attractive. We will no doubt attract the interest of very talented people, and I am looking forward to a successful search.”

Feiner’s successor will report to Wrighton and be a member of the University Council, Washington University’s senior-most leadership group comprising academic leaders and managers of vital administrative areas.

Michael Cannon, JD, executive vice chancellor and general counsel, will chair the search committee.

Other members of the search committee are:

  • Carmon Colangelo, dean of the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts and the E. Desmond Lee Professor for Collaboration in the Arts;
  • David W. Kemper, vice chair of the Board of Trustees and chairman and CEO of Commerce Bancshares Inc.;
  • Jennifer K. Lodge, PhD, vice chancellor for research;
  • Eva Ostrow, associate dean of finance for the School of Law;
  • Jamie L. Sauerburger, executive director of business affairs in the Department of Surgery at the School of Medicine;
  • Henry S. Webber, executive vice chancellor for administration; and
  • Lori S. White, PhD, vice chancellor for student affairs.

Erin C. Schuettpelz, associate provost for operations, will assist the committee in this search.

Barbara A. Feiner

Feiner joined the university’s administrative team in 1996 as director of investment management, rising to CFO in 1997 and to her current position in 1999.

As vice chancellor for finance and CFO, Feiner oversees much of the university’s financial operations and a staff of about 170. Among her areas of responsibility are accounting services; treasury management and insurance; sponsored projects accounting; and financial planning and analysis. She also oversees resource management.

She has worked closely with administrative leaders and the Board of Trustees to develop and implement financial strategies and programs for the most effective and efficient use of the university’s resources.

Feiner, who earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Saint Louis University in 1971, taught elementary school for 10 years before going back to school for a master’s in business administration at WashU’s Olin Business School.

After earning an MBA in 1983, she joined Edison Brothers Stores Inc. During her 13 years with the company, she served in a variety of roles, including president of the 5-7-9 chain.

Shortly after graduating from Olin, she became active in alumni activities, including serving as president of the school’s Alumni Association and on the Alumni Board of Governors. As executive vice chair and then chair of the Alumni Board of Governors, she served as one of the representatives to the Board of Trustees from 1994-96.

She currently serves as the CFU co-chair for Our Washington, the faculty and staff component of Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University. She also has served on the search committees for both the provost and vice chancellor for student affairs positions.

In retirement, Feiner plans to do volunteer work with children and she and her husband, Tom, a retired attorney, want to spend more time traveling, hiking, biking and kayaking.