Student-designed hand-launched gliders soar across WUSTL’s Field House in a competition to determine which has the farthest flight, the straightest path, the longest hang time, and highest quality of flight. Planes with the most creative appearance and most creative engineering are also recognized. High school students create the planes out of balsa wood with consultation from Boeing engineers. In the process, they learn important concepts in physics and aerospace engineering.
About 120 high school students and their physics teachers from Hazelwood, Fort Zumwalt, Kirkwood, Ferguson-Florissant, Parkway and Rockwood school districts, as well as WUSTL undergraduate Boeing Scholars and some 30 Boeing engineers who advised the students.
Washington University Field House, Athletic Complex, Forsyth and Big Bend. Parking is available on the roof of Snow Way Garage, which is near Big Bend Boulevard and Forest Park Parkway. Take Forest Park Parkway and turn south onto Throop Drive, then turn right at the “T” intersection onto Snow Way and the garage is on the left. Once on the rooftop, park near the southwest side of the garage and follow the sidewalk to the Athletic Complex.
4:30-6 p.m. Friday, May 6, 2011
Besides learning career skills in aerospace engineering, each winning design will receive a medal. Boeing is a longtime supporter of K-12 education initiatives at WUSTL, including teacher graduate programs through WUSTL’s Science Outreach. Boeing also contributes to WUSTL’s annual fund, its scholarship programs, and its building fund.