Promoting a healthy aging society

Participants at the 2011 St. Louis Times Geriatrics Symposium listen to Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD (below), the Ralph and Muriel Pumphrey Professor of Social Work at the Brown School, speak about the “Social Dimension of Healthy Aging” Jan. 7 in Brown Hall Lounge. This year’s symposium, organized by the St. Louis Times and hosted by the Brown School, focused on “Healthy Aging: Health Promotion & Disease Prevention.” Lynda Anderson, PhD, director of the Healthy Aging Program, Division of Adult and Community Health in the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, served as keynote speaker. “The event was a multidisciplinary look at aging,” Morrow-Howell says. “The speakers made it clear that social, psychological, biological and spiritual aspects of aging must be considered in promoting a healthy aging society.” Other WUSTL speakers included Ellen F. Binder, MD, associate professor of medicine and occupational therapy, and Jan Duchek, PhD, associate professor of psychology in Arts & Sciences.