David Kilper
Two remotely controlled robots mix it up in the arena during the second annual BattleBots Battle Royale Tuesday, Dec. 14, in Urbauer Hall hosted by the student chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The battle was the final assignment in a freshman mechanical engineering class taught by Pat Harkins, a technical lab technician in the School of Engineering & Applied Science. The robots are controlled by Sohrab Golestani (second from left) and Julian Phan (not pictured) while classmates Xiaoyang Ye and Tilo Buergel look on. Robbie Hanson, a sophomore mechanical engineering student and teaching assistant for the course, takes pictures of the battle, and Ruth Okamoto, PhD, senior research associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and ASME adviser, checks out the action. “Ultimately Julian’s black saw bot won the battle by forcing the other bot into the corner,” said Ricky Marcus, a senior mechanical engineering student and president of ASME.