Civic service seminar begins Feb. 27

The Center for Social Development (CSD) will showcase the latest research on civic service and volunteerism worldwide during “Understanding Civic Service: International Research and Application,” a seminar at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work from Feb. 27-March 3.

The five-day exploration will feature a March 1 seminar that is open to the public, as well as a daylong exchange open to faculty, staff and students March 2.

During the seminar, 31 of the CSD’s civic service research fellows will gain information about the center’s current work, as well as share research findings with each other.

Representing 17 countries, the research fellows have received CSD grants to study service and volunteerism in more than 30 countries.

On March 1, Teresa Matus Sepúlveda will present “Civic Service in an Unequal World: Analyzing Four Paradoxes” at 1:10 p.m. in Brown Hall Lounge.

Matus Sepúlveda is a CSD research fellow from the School of Social Work at Catholic University in Chile. Her lecture kicks off national Social Work Month with an examination of civic service in Latin America and its role in development.

On March 2, faculty, staff and students are invited to a day of scholarly and cultural exchange from 8:30 a.m-5 p.m. in Brown Hall Lounge.

After a welcome address by Amanda Moore McBride, Ph.D., CSD research director and assistant professor of social work, CSD and its research fellows will present the following panels:

• 8:45 a.m.: International Youth Service: Pitfalls and Potential

• 11 a.m.: Service-Learning: Forms, Models, Effects and Strategies

• 1:30 p.m.: National Youth Service Programs in the United States, Nepal and Germany: Possible Impacts

• 3:15 p.m.: Volunteerism and Service in Latin America: Forms, Volunteers and Host Organizations

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