Morrow-Howell named Pumphrey professor

Nancy Morrow-Howell, Ph.D., professor in the George Warren Brown School of Social Work, has been appointed the inaugural Ralph and Muriel Pumphrey Professor of Social Work, announced Shanti K. Khinduka, Ph.D., dean and the George Warren Brown Distinguished University Professor.

Morrow-Howell’s formal installation will take place March 9 in Brown Hall Lounge.

The Pumphreys were prominent figures in the refinement of social work education. In addition to being GWB faculty members, the Pumphreys jointly authored numerous works including the benchmark book The Heritage of American Social Work in 1961.

Nancy Morrow-Howell
Nancy Morrow-Howell

“Dr. Morrow-Howell is one of the top social gerontologists in the profession of social work,” Khinduka said. “She’s a national leader in setting the social work research agenda in the field of aging.

“Her own numerous research studies, focusing broadly on service to needy elders and on productivity in later life, have been funded by the National Institute on Aging, the National Institute on Mental Health, the Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research, the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation and other public and private agencies. She is an ideal person to hold the inaugural Pumphrey chair.”

A faculty member since 1987 and chair of the social work doctoral program, Morrow-Howell’s studies have included home and community-based care services and mental-health services for older adults and their families.

Her publications have addressed adequacy of informal and formal care, multidimensional assessment and clinical case management with older adults.

Morrow-Howell has studied productive engagement in later life and edited the book Productive Aging: Concepts and Challenges. Her current productive aging research focuses on service programs designed specifically for older volunteers.

Morrow-Howell has received a Leadership Award from the Association for Gerontology in Social Work Education, a Distinguished Faculty Award from the University and a Distinguished Faculty Award from GWB.

She is a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America, a member of the National Advisory Board for the Institute for Geriatric Social Work at Boston University, a member of the advisory committee for the Hartford Doctoral Fellowship Program in Geriatric Social Work, and on the editorial boards of The Gerontologist and the Journal of Social Service Research.

Morrow-Howell earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from the University of Kansas and a doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley.