Legal texts by Epstein garner teaching award

Lee Epstein, Ph.D., the Edward Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professor of Political Science in Arts & Sciences and professor of law in the School of Law, has been recognized with the 2003 Teaching and Mentoring Award from the Law and Courts Section of the American Political Science Association.

Lee Epstein

Lee Epstein

The award, which honors “innovative teaching and instructional methods and materials in law and courts,” is supported by a contribution from the Division for Public Education of the American Bar Association.

Epstein and Thomas G. Walker, a professor of political science at Emory University, were recognized with the award for work as co-authors of Constitutional Law for a Changing America, a highly acclaimed series of legal textbooks. Now in its fifth edition, the series introduces students to constitutional interpretation and the Supreme Court from the perspective of political science.

Epstein and Walker include carefully selected excerpts from important cases and extensive commentary to help students follow the path of the evolving law, including extensive coverage of Americans’ right to the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, discrimination and defendant’s rights.

The series emphasizes arguments raised by lawyers and interest groups, including material that brings out the rich political context in which decisions are made. It explores the ideological and behavioral inclinations of justices, the politics of judicial selection, and the impact of public opinion and positions taken by elected officials.