Annual public interest law series speakers lined up

The 25th annual Public Interest Law & Policy Speakers Series, sponsored by the School of Law at Washington University in St. Louis, continues with its annual Constitution Day lecture Sept. 26.

The series opened with a lecture on reproductive justice Sept. 6.

The Constitution Day event, “A U.S. Supreme Court Review,” will take place at noon in the Bryan Cave Moot Courtroom at Anheuser-Busch Hall. Five faculty members from the School of Law will provide their views on notable recent Supreme Court decisions.

The next event, “Why Poverty and Inequality Undermine Justice in America,” will be held in the same location at noon Oct. 12.

It will feature Mark Rank, the Herbert S. Hadley Professor of Social Welfare at the Brown School, and Steven Fazzari, a professor of economics and of sociology in Arts & Sciences.

For more on the fall lineup, visit the lecture series website. Each event will be recorded and posted to the site.