Washington University in St. Louis student group Black Anthology will present comedy writer and YouTube sensation Evelyn Ngugi, aka “Evelyn From the Internets,” for a talk and Q&A at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3, in Hillman Hall, Room 60. Admission is free.
Ngugi started posting her often hilarious, always heartfelt videos almost a decade ago, commenting on topics ranging from popular culture (“Take me Wakanda!”) to Black trauma (“Call in Black”) to sparkling water (“I tried all 14 original flavors Of LaCroix.”)
“I’m getting hints of Pine-Sol,” she deadpanned.
Ngugi also was enlisted by Google to support Michelle Obama’s initiative for global girls’ education and PBS Digital Studios to co-host “Say It Loud,” a show about Black histories and cultures. Her video, “‘Black-sounding names and their surprising history,” has 1.4 million views.
“The difference between Natasha and Tasha is less than you think,” she explained.
Over time, “Evelyn from the Internets” has amassed some 240,000 YouTube subscribers and one very famous fan — Beyonce, who played her video, “Beyonce Said Drink This #Lemonade, Heaux!!,” at a Texas concert.
Marc Ridgell, producer of Black Anthology, also is an admirer. Ridgell said Ngugi and Black Anthology share a mission — to explore the Black experience through storytelling that is nuanced, compelling and entertaining.
“Black Anthology is an organization that believes in the power of Black theater and storytelling to connect with Black students, the WashU community and greater St. Louis community,” Ridgell said. “That is why we are excited to invite ‘Evelyn from the Internets’ to campus. She is a popular Black humor and digital storyteller who utilizes creativity to accessibly discuss critical topics and popular culture.”