Webber to speak on growth, equity in St. Louis

Henry S. Webber, Washington University in St. Louis’ executive vice chancellor for civic affairs and strategic planning, will share Jan. 27 what he has learned during a long-term study on the comparative performance of cities and regions on measures of growth and equity.

In this work, which he began in 2014, Webber compares St. Louis to 14 peers, mostly Midwestern cities and regions. The results indicate that despite some positive signs, St. Louis continues to lag on measures of both growth and racial equity. In addition to presenting data and analysis, Webber will provide an agenda for inclusive growth in St. Louis.

Webber is also a professor of practice at the Brown School and the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts. He teaches courses in American public policy, community development, American cities and sustainable urbanism. His writes widely on segregation, urban development and the role of anchor institutions in American cities.

The virtual event, presented by the Weidenbaum Center, will take place at noon Wednesday, Jan. 27, and is open to the university community and members of the public with an interest in the St. Louis region’s development.