WashU entrepreneurs respond to the coronavirus

FUSE highlights innovators in the WashU community stepping up to help

The phrase ‘We’re all in this together’ takes on new urgency and meaning

Washington University in St. Louis has a long tradition of coming together to care for one another and work toward the greater good, whether it be on campus, in our region or around the world. Our community — on campus and beyond — continues to practice this during the current crisis, and that includes members of the WashU innovation ecosystem.

Here, from FUSE, our website for innovation and entrepreneurship, are examples of WashU faculty, alumni and students who are doing what they can to help and serve those directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Check the page regularly to see new examples of innovation in the community.

WashU Response to COVID-19
Visit coronavirus.wustl.edu for the latest information about WashU updates and policies. See all stories related to COVID-19.