University community invited to provide input to inform strategic planning process

Chancellor-elect Martin to seek feedback online and in person


Under the leadership of Chancellor-elect Andrew Martin, Washington University in St. Louis will embark on a strategic planning process this spring, to be heavily informed by input from members of the university community.

“This is a critical time in our university’s history and trajectory as we continue to build momentum and move forward as a premier research institution,” Martin said in a message to the community, in which he laid out his approach. “This strategic planning process will be different than others that have come before. I do not intend for this to be a top-down exercise, but rather a community-wide initiative. To be successful, I need your help, your feedback and input from the entire community.”

To that end, Martin shared plans to facilitate small group conversations, formal meetings at the school and university levels, and other opportunities for individualized input, including an online form where community members can share their thoughts about short- and long-term university priorities. The form is available now and will remain open throughout the strategic planning process, which is expected to continue at least until the end of 2019. [The survey is now closed.]

“We will use your input to hone in on opportunities for growth and ways to strengthen the university for years to come,” Martin wrote, “especially as it relates to our ability to fulfill our core mission, provide an exceptional experience to our students, and make a meaningful difference in St. Louis and throughout the world.”

For more information, visit Andrew Martin’s website.