As the search gets underway for the next chancellor of Washington University in St. Louis, the search committee is eager to hear feedback from members of the university community. To begin the process of gathering input, the committee will host three listening sessions for Danforth Campus faculty, students and staff on Nov. 29 and Dec. 4 and 5. Listening sessions on the Medical Campus will be held in early 2018.
The committee, which is chaired by Craig D. Schnuck, will meet with the individual groups as follows:
- Danforth Campus faculty: 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 29, Lab Sciences Building, Room 300
- Danforth Campus students: 4-6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 4, Lab Sciences Building, Room 300
- Danforth Campus staff: Noon-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5, Brown Hall, Room 100
All members of the university community on the Danforth Campus are strongly encouraged to attend one of these listening sessions. Refreshments will be served at each gathering.

“These listening sessions are a critical first step toward informing the search process and determining the criteria the committee will use to identify the best candidates in higher education to recruit as our next chancellor,” said Schnuck, chair of the university’s Board of Trustees and chairman emeritus of Schnuck Markets Inc. “We are looking forward to beginning this important conversation with members of the university community, and are coming to the sessions ready to learn, ask questions and consider all ideas and perspectives. I know this feedback will be extremely beneficial to the committee as it begins its work.”
As the Board of Trustees prepares to name a successor to Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton, who announced last month his intention to conclude his term no later than June 30, 2019, it has enlisted the help of the search firm Isaacson, Miller. The firm also will send members of its team to the listening sessions, along with the search committee, which comprises 20 members representing the Board of Trustees, administrators, faculty, students and staff.
Members of the university community also are welcome to submit nominations, comments, ideas and/or suggestions at any time to Isaacson, Miller, which is managing the logistics of this process for the committee. Feedback may be submitted by email at; by calling 617-262-6500 or faxing 617-986-7101; or by mail at: Isaacson, Miller; 263 Summer St., 7th floor; Boston, Mass., 02210. All suggestions will be taken into consideration by the committee and will remain confidential.