Albright, Hadley to discuss Middle East policy Wednesday

Albright (left) and Hadley

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley will be at Washington University in St. Louis on Wednesday, Feb. 8, for a public forum on “A New Approach to the Middle East.” The event will take place from  9–10:30 a.m. in Graham Chapel on the Danforth Campus.

Hosted by the university’s Office of  the Vice Chancellor for International Affairs, the Atlantic Council, and the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the event is free and open to the public. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Those unable to attend can stream the program via this link.

Part of a series of informal campus discussions held each year for faculty and students in international studies, the event recently was moved to Graham Chapel due to overwhelming demand.

“We co-sponsor events with the Pulitzer Center on our campus each year for our students and faculty with interests in international affairs,” said James Wertsch, vice chancellor for international affairs and the David R. Francis Distinguished Professor. “These are usually small gatherings in informal settings. However, due to the stature of our speakers and the relevance of their discussion to major global challenges today, we decided to open it up for anyone who wishes to attend.”

Albright, who served as ambassador to the United Nations under Democratic President Bill Clinton, and Hadley, who served as national security advisor under Republican President George W. Bush, are co-chairs of the Atlantic Council’s Middle East Strategy Task Force. They will present the initiative’s findings for new policy solutions.

This is Albright’s second visit to Washington University. In 2003, she delivered the Commencement address and received an honorary doctor of humanities degree.

For more information on the event, visit the Pulitzer Center website or call 314-935-5330.