Several Washington University School of Medicine faculty members were honored with Distinguished Faculty Awards on Wednesday, Feb. 18, for their dedication, talent and wide-ranging achievements.
The recipients were nominated by their peers to recognize achievements in clinical care, community service, research and teaching. They received the awards at the annual Faculty Recognition Event at the Eric P. Newman Education Center.
This year’s winners of the Samuel R. Goldstein Leadership Awards in Medical Student Education also received their awards at the event. The Goldstein awards recognize outstanding teaching and commitment to medical education. Recipients are selected by a committee of faculty and students and given final approval by Larry J. Shapiro, MD, executive vice chancellor for medical affairs and dean of the School of Medicine.
“There is no greater honor than to be recognized for excellence by one’s peers,” Shapiro said. “It is people who make an institution, and this is a place where exceptional individuals have created an extraordinary institution; one that provides great care for patients, that generates knowledge, and that provides an outstanding educational experience for all of our students and trainees.”
This year’s Distinguished Faculty and Goldstein award recipients are:

Distinguished Clinician Award
- Gordon R. Bloomberg, MD, professor of pediatrics
- D. Katherine Grange, MD, professor of pediatrics
- Vamsi R. Narra, MD, professor of radiology
- Alan Pestronk, MD, professor of neurology and of pathology and immunology
Distinguished Community Service
- Barbara A. Lutey, MD, assistant professor of medicine
Distinguished Investigator Award
- Amanda L. Lewis, PhD, assistant professor of molecular microbiology and of obstetrics and gynecology
- Timothy M. Lohman, PhD, the Marvin A. Brennecke Professor of Biophysics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
- David M. Ornitz, MD, PhD, Alumni Endowed Professor of Developmental Biology
- Camillo Padoa-Schioppa, PhD, assistant professor of neurobiology, of economics and of biomedical engineering
Daniel P. Schuster Award for Distinguished Work in Clinical and Translational Science
- Michael J. Holtzman, MD, the Selma and Herman Seldin Professor of Medicine and professor of cell biology and physiology
Distinguished Educator Awards
Clinical Fellow Mentoring
- Ann M. Gronowski, PhD, professor of pathology and immunology and of obstetrics and gynecology
Graduate Student Teaching
- Michael G. Caparon Jr., PhD, professor of molecular biology
House Staff Teaching
- Bryan F. Meyers, MD, the Patrick and Joy Williamson Endowed Professor of Surgery
Samuel R. Goldstein Leadership Awards in Medical Student Education
- Richard D. Brasington Jr., MD, professor of medicine
- Tammy S. Sonn, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology.
Visit this site for more information on the award winners.