Washington University in St. Louis’ Daniel E. Giammar, PhD (right), the Harold D. Jolley Career Development Associate Professor in energy, environmental and chemical engineering, and Mairin Hynes, PhD, lecturer in physics in Arts & Sciences, participate in WUSTL’s inaugural Summer STEM Faculty Institute on Teaching (STEM FIT). The institute, held June 17-19 in Seigle Hall, brought together 18 faculty from eight departments in Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering & Applied Science to develop strategies for incorporating evidence-based teaching practices that can improve student learning and encourage undergraduates to persist in STEM majors. The Teaching Center developed and facilitated STEM FIT, with support from the Association of American Universities’ STEM education initiative. Gina Frey, PhD, the center’s executive director and the Florence E. Moog Professor of STEM Education, said the institute’s “goal was to establish a culture here where teaching is a shared and collaborative endeavor, not a solitary one. The approach advocated does not require a ‘one size fits all’ version of active learning, but instead relies on multiple and diverse strategies that can be effectively integrated with the faculty member’s existing learning objectives and style of teaching.” (Credit: Sid Hastings/WUSTL Photos)