Noted urologist Arnold D. Bullock, MD, has been named the inaugural Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Distinguished Professor of Urology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
He is a professor of urologic surgery at the School of Medicine and treats patients at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Christian Northeast Hospital and the Siteman Cancer Center.
Bullock was installed as the Wolff Professor by Washington University Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton and Larry J. Shapiro, MD, executive vice chancellor for medical affairs and dean of the School of Medicine.
“Dr. Bullock is highly regarded for his expertise in urology, and his work at the medical school and in the community has improved the lives of countless patients,” said Wrighton. “The generosity of Alan and Edith Wolff continues to benefit Washington University and now will contribute to new knowledge in the field of urology.”
Gifts from the late Alan and Edith Wolff have supported medical research at the university for more than 30 years, advancing work by leaders in numerous fields.
“Dr. Bullock is not only an outstanding physician but a gifted educator and a mentor to many medical students and residents,” Shapiro said. “He is just the kind of dedicated, accomplished physician that Alan and Edith Wolff appreciated and reinforced with their support.”
Bullock joined the medical school’s faculty in 1993 and serves as director of men’s health at the school. In his clinical practice, he is sought out for his expertise in urologic oncology, erectile dysfunction and other urological issues.
During his tenure at the university, Bullock has played an active role in educating African-American men about their higher-than-average risk of prostate cancer and the benefits of screening. His commitment to this effort is vital because
African-American men are more likely than Caucasians to have aggressive
prostate cancer and to die of the disease.
To reach people in areas hard hit by cancer, he has given talks at churches, community centers, schools and health fairs. His community outreach efforts and involvement in cancer education programs have had a significant impact on reducing racial disparities in prostate cancer outcomes and minority participation in clinical trials.
Bullock also has been instrumental in building a team of community partners to conduct prostate cancer screening and education in the African-American community in St. Louis.
He has served as chairman of the Prostate Cancer Committee of the Program for the Elimination of Cancer Disparities at Siteman Cancer Center. He also is a board member of The Empowerment Network, an award-winning prostate cancer support group.
“In my 25 years at Washington University, my clinical focus has varied from oncology to microsurgery/infertility and erectile dysfunction,” Bullock said. “However, I have remained most satisfied with my involvement with community groups such as The Empowerment Network, 100 Black Men and The Clergy Coalition, which educate our community on preventive health care and the racial disparity in cancer outcomes.”
At the medical school, Bullock also is actively involved in teaching medical students and residents and has been recognized for teaching excellence by his colleagues and students.
Bullock graduated summa cum laude from Xavier University in New Orleans and received his medical degree from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He completed residencies in general surgery and urologic surgery, both at Washington University.
About the Wolffs
Alan and Edith Wolff owned Wolff Construction Co., a real-estate development, investment and management company. Alan Wolff founded the company in the 1940s and led it until his death in 1989. Edith Wolff then led the company as president until her death in 2008.
Over more than 30 years, the Wolffs directed funds to many areas of medical research at the School of Medicine. Their gifts have supported research in Alzheimer’s disease, heart transplant, bacterial sepsis, dermatology, cell biology and critical care medicine. They have provided for 12 endowed professorships, six distinguished endowed professorships and specific research funds in cancer and ophthalmology.
Their donations also support the Edith L. Wolff Scholarship Loan Fund, a noninterest-bearing fund for medical students. In 2007, Edith Wolff committed $20 million to establish the Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Institute at the School of Medicine to advance the most promising biomedical research projects focused on preventing, treating and curing disease.
In recognition of her generous support of medical research, Edith Wolff received numerous awards from Washington University, including the Robert S. Brookings Award, the Second Century Award from the School of Medicine and an honorary doctorate in 2004.

Washington University School of Medicine’s 2,100 employed and volunteer faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Children’s hospitals. The School of Medicine is one of the leading medical research, teaching and patient-care institutions in the nation, currently ranked sixth in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Children’s hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.