MEDIA ADVISORY: For the Sake of All Community Conference

WHAT: A community conference that coincides with the release of a yearlong, groundbreaking study called “For the Sake of All: A Report on the Health and Well-Being of African Americans in St. Louis.” At the conference, the final report will be released that includes policy recommendations for the region. The conference will also include panel discussion of report topics, and invite community feedback on implications and next steps.

WHO: Chanelle Hardy, JD, senior vice president for policy and executive director of the National Urban League Washington Bureau, will be keynote speaker. Jason Purnell, PhD, assistant professor at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis and lead researcher on the project, will be available as well. A complete list of participants is available here.

WHERE: Des Lee Auditorium in the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park, 5700 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63112

WHEN: 8 a.m.-noon, Friday, May 30, 2014

MEDIA NOTES: The conference takes place just two weeks after the 60th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education, and five weeks prior to the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

CONTACT: Any media interested in attending the conference should contact Hillary Frey at or 314-566-3356 (cell) NO LATER THAN 5 P.M. THURSDAY MAY 29.

Media wishing to secure an interview with keynote speaker Chanelle Hardy between noon-12:30 following the conference, or Jason Purnell from 8-8:25 a.m. or noon-12:30 can contact Leslie McCarthy of Washington University Public Affairs at 314-537-0563 (cell) or 314-935-6603 (office).