Brunt earns Wolfson Outstanding Teacher Award


L. Michael Brunt, MD, professor of surgery in minimally invasive surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, received a 2013 Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding Teacher Award at the annual meeting of the Association for Surgical Education, held April 25-27 in Orlando, Fla.

“I am truly honored by this award and wish to thank Dr. Timothy Eberlein and Dr. Mary Klingensmith for their support and the many individuals who have helped with our various teaching activities,” Brunt said. “I feel very fortunate to work in a department in which teaching is valued and supported by our leadership.”

Brunt directs the minimally invasive surgery fellowship, in addition to his many other teaching duties. A dedicated educator, he has developed an accelerated skills course for medical students headed for residencies in surgery and a “master’s level” suturing course for interns; led a refresher continuing medical education (CME) course and update; and is an active member in the University’s Mini-Medical School, which was established to educate community members.

Brunt has mentored medical students on many clinical and educational research projects and has won the Clinical Teacher of the Year Award from the University seven times in the past 10 years, along with several other awards. He is actively involved in many national organizations, including the Central Surgical Association and the Association for Surgical Education/American College of Surgeons Senior Medical Student Prep Curriculum Joint Committee. He is also president-elect of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).

The Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding Teacher Award is given annually to faculty actively involved in surgical education and considered outstanding teachers.