Some Halloween news tips refuse to die, rising from the newsroom morgue each October with a stubborn resolve to once again help trick-or-treaters stay safe on Halloween night. Here are three timely safety tips that remain very much undead.
Some Halloween news tips refuse to die, rising from the newsroom morgue each October with a stubborn resolve to once again help trick-or-treaters stay safe on Halloween night. Here are three timely safety tips that remain very much undead.
Beware of Halloween contact lenses (VIDEO)
Decorative contact lenses can lead to infection, vision loss

Wearing decorative contact lenses on Halloween — also known as fashion, color, cosmetic or theatre contact lenses — changes the look of the eyes, but the lenses don’t correct vision. If used incorrectly, they can impair vision and damage the eyes, according to an optometrist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
Taking the scary out of eating Halloween candy (VIDEO)
Connie Diekman, RD, director of University Nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis and past president of the American Dietitic Association, has several tips for enjoying Halloween candy, but doing it in a healthier way.
Pediatric emergency physician offers trick-or-treating tips
to keep kids safe on Halloween night

Halloween is just around the corner. And if the prospect of ghosts and goblins at the front door isn’t scary enough for you, how about the chance of those same ghosts and goblins darting out from between cars into the street? The combination of cars, kids and darkness presents the biggest danger of Halloween, says Bo Kennedy, MD, professor of pediatrics at Washington University in St. Louis.