The Public Interest Law and Policy Speakers Series continues Thursday, Sept. 20, with Goodwin Liu, associate justice of the Supreme Court of California, on “Federal Law in State Court: Handling Conflicts over Arbitration, Immigration, and Constitutional Rights” at noon in the Bryan Cave Moot Courtroom (Anheuser-Busch Hall, Room 310).
The yearlong Public Interest Law & Policy Speakers Series brings to Washington University nationally and internationally prominent experts in such areas as civil rights, racial justice, capital punishment, immigration, government public service and pro bono private practice.
The 2012-13 series features judges, lawyers, authors and academics with expertise in public interest law and policy.
For a full list of the 2012-13 speakers, visit
All lectures are free and open to the public.
For more information, contact Karen L. Tokarz, JD, the Charles Nagel Professor of Public Interest Law
& Public Service and director of the Negotiation and Dispute
Resolution Program, at (314) 935-6414 or