The employee 2011-12 U-Pass — allowing Washington University in St. Louis faculty and staff free use of Metro, the region’s public transportation system — will expire June 30.
WUSTL’s U-Pass program, funded by the university, provides benefits-eligible faculty and staff, full-time students and full-time employees of basic service contractors a Universal Metro Pass that allows free boarding and use of any Metro bus or MetroLink light-rail system train.
Benefits-eligible employees may request a new U-Pass for the 2012-13 fiscal year at the Parking & Transportation Services website, The new pass will be valid through June 30, 2013.
Employees can renew the pass by logging onto the Parking & Transportation system and using their WUSTL KEY and password. Employees who do not know their WUSTL KEY and/or password should contact the Systems and Procedures Helpdesk at (314) 935-5707.
After submitting an online request, employees should be sure that they receive a confirmation. After making a request, the screen should immediately go to a confirmation page, and, if a valid email address was provided, the employee will also receive a confirmation email.
If an employee doesn’t receive one of these two confirmations, Parking & Transportation Services did not receive the request.
Parking & Transportation Services again has scheduled employee U-Pass distribution centers on the Medical Campus (June 19 and 20, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Olin Residence Hall gymnasium, 4550 Scott St.) and the Danforth Campus (June 21 and 22, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., I.E. Millstone Visitors lounge, Danforth University Center) and encourages U-Pass holders to use this pick-up option for their passes.
Full-time summer students and full-time students from this past spring semester who have completed their fall 2012 full-time class registration also may request a summer semester pass, which is valid from May 1 until Aug. 17, at
For more information about the U-Pass renewal process, contact Parking & Transportation Services at or at (314) 935-5601.