Bhutanese cardiologist adds techniques to take home
(From left) Henish Bhansali, MD, instructor in medicine; Victor Davila-Roman, MD, professor of medicine; and Yeshey Penjore, MD, a cardiologist from the National Referral Hospital in Thimpu, Bhutan, review a heart echocardiogram at the Center for Advanced Medicine. Penjore was training in echocardiography at the School of Medicine for two months as part of the Global Health Scholars in Medicine Program, a Department of Medicine initiative designed to expand global health education during residency. It also provides mentors and role models and creates sustainable partnerships with global partners to improve care for the underserved. While here, Penjore attended continuing medical education courses and worked with Washington University cardiologists to add to his training. Now he can provide improved echocardiograms in Bhutan, where there is a high prevalence of congenital heart disease. By having improved echocardiograms available in Bhutan, Penjore will be able to better diagnose and treat patients with rheumatic heart disease and mitral valve disorders. (Credit: Robert Boston)