Mary Butkus
Mark Zoole, JD, adjunct professor at the School of Law, addresses a panel of judges during a question-and-answer session after a Special Session of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) in the Bryan Cave Moot Courtroom Nov. 2. The CAAF session featured a panel hearing arguments on both sides of the case of United States v. Thomas Hayes. The case concerns a U.S. Navy midshipman who pled guilty to stealing military property and selling it on eBay. The panel of five judges were Chief Judge James E. Baker (center); Judges Charles E. Erdman, Scott W. Stucky and Margaret A. Ryan; and Senior Judge Walter T. Cox. Third-year law student Justin Lepp argued an amicus brief in support of the appellant Hayes. CAAF holds Special Sessions at law schools as part of an educational outreach program. About 175 law students, professors and members of the public — including approximately 30 guests from Scott Air Force Base and Fort Leonard Wood — attended the session.