Robert Boston
(From left) Kaitlin Speichinger, Kaitlyn McCann and Katelyn Corpus, prospective occupational therapy students, look at submissions to the HealthStreet art contest for students from the St. Louis Public Schools. HealthStreet is a Washington University School of Medicine initiative to link the community to social and medical referrals and research opportunities. It recently called for submissions of art depicting health from local students. The intent was to move discussion about health outside of the health classroom and into the art room. Each student also wrote a statement about what their art meant to them. The art is on public display for the next several months on weekdays between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. in HealthStreet’s offices at 4306 Manchester Ave. HealthStreet is part of the Center for Community Based Research, which, in turn, is part of Washington University’s Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences. To see more photos of the art, go to Washington University School of Medicine’s Facebook page.