The Administrative Law Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) recently named Ronald Levin, JD, the William R. Orthwein Distinguished Professor of Law at Washington University in St. Louis, the 2011 Volunteer of the Year.

Levin has served as the section’s chair and as the ABA’s adviser to the drafting committee to revise the Model State Administrative Procedure Act.
“Over the past year, Ron has shown extraordinary dedication and scholarly purpose in his continuing dealings with the Uniform Law Commission and ABA entities with regard to the Model State Administrative Procedure Act, and in his service as the reporter for the Section Task Force on Federal Lobbying Laws,” says current Administrative Law Section Chair Jonathan Rusch, JD, the deputy chief for strategy and policy, Fraud Section, Criminal Division at the U.S. Department of Justice.
“Each of these projects required not only mastery of the underlying subject matter, but also close attention to the ramifications of various proposed approaches to complex legal issues,” Rusch says.
Rusch says that Levin’s skills made him an easy choice for the award.
Levin’s work as reporter for the ABA Task Force on Federal Lobbying Laws report has recently paid off. The ABA House of Delegates adopted a resolution based on the report at its annual meeting in August. Levin participated actively in the final negotiations leading up to adoption of the resolution, which advocates increased transparency of lobbying, curbs on conflicts of interest, and improved enforcement of the lobbying disclosure laws.
The task force report is scheduled for publication this month in the Administrative Law Review.
Levin is a nationally known scholar who specializes in administrative law and related public law issues. The co-author of a casebook on state and federal administrative law, he is widely published.