Hillary A. Sale, JD, the Walter D. Coles Professor of Law and Professor of Management at Washington University in St. Louis, organized this year’s DirectWomen Board Institute, an annual national program designed to develop and position an elite group of exceptional senior women lawyers for service as directors of major U.S. corporations.

The institute, which is being held in New York City this week, Feb. 9-11, brings together leading experts on corporate governance and experienced directors to cover topics including:
- Connecting Financial Statements to Business Strategy;
- The Evolving Role of Shareholders in Corporate Governance;
- Nominating and Corporate Governance Committees;
- CEO Board Dynamics;
- Board Deliberations: Practical Aspects and Crisis Management; and
- Women Lawyers as Board Candidates.
DirectWomen is the only program specifically designed to identify, develop and support a select group of accomplished women attorneys to provide qualified directors needed by the boards of U.S. companies, while promoting the independence and diversity required for good corporate governance.
The institute faculty features leading experts on corporate governance and experienced directors. Visit directwomen.org/institute/faculty/ for a full list of faculty.
For more information on the organization, visit directwomen.org/.