WHO: Students in Scott McClintock’s middle school science class at Maplewood Richmond Heights, with support from Washington University in St. Louis students, including Alfred Wang, a senior in chemistry in Arts & Sciences; sophomore Marie Washington; junior Rachel Timmons; Haijun Liu, PhD, a biology postdoctoral researcher in Arts & Sciences; Joe Springer, a chemistry graduate student; Michelle Harris, a chemistry graduate student; William Bricker, a chemical engineering graduate student in the School of Engineering & Applied Science. Rachel Ruggirello, science educator with WUSTL’s Science Outreach and the Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center, led teacher development workshops in using the materials, and is coordinating activities.
WHAT: Using wind turbines, solar collectors and other materials, the students are investigating ways to maximize energy from renewable sources. Washington University loaned the materials through support from Toshiba America Foundation, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute provided teacher workshops for use of the equipment.
WHEN: Tuesday-Friday, Feb. 15-18, 2011: 8:05-8:57 a.m. wind energy; 11:50 a.m.-12:37 p.m. biomass; 12:40-1:27 p.m. solar energy; 2:20-3:10 p.m. hydropower
WHERE: Maplewood Richmond Heights (MRH) Middle School, 4th floor, 7539 Manchester Road, St. Louis, 63143
WHY: Research shows that engaging in projects that allow students to design solutions to real issues is effective in raising achievement. Teachers are using WUSTL energy kits to involve students in activities that link to the Missouri Grade Level Expectations for middle school science.
ON-SITE: To attend one of the sessions, contact Tom Wickersham, director of communications for MRH, at (314) 446-1707 (office) or (314) 568-1237 (cell)