Mark Alford, PhD, professor of physics in Arts & Sciences, is a co-recipient of five-year, $150,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy for research titled “Neutrinos and Nucleosynthesis in Hot Dense Matter.” …
Brian D. Carpenter, PhD, associate professor of psychology in Arts & Sciences, has received a one-year, $1,980 grant from the Missouri Arts Council for research titled “Aging Artists.” …
Jonathan Chase, PhD, professor of biology in Arts & Sciences and director of the Tyson Research Center, and Amber Burgett, graduate student in biology, have received a two-year, $11,567 grant from the National Science Foundation for research titled “Effects of the Aquatic:Terrestrial Habitat Ratio on an Amphibian Predator and its Prey.” …
Marco Colonna, MD, professor of pathology and immunology, has received a one-year, $212,800 subaward from Duke University for research titled “Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology (CHAVI).” …
Peter MacKeith, associate dean of the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts and associate professor of architecture, has been appointed editor of three issues of SOM Journal. Published by the worldwide architecture firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, the journal provides critical perspectives on issues relating to professional practice while also identifying and exploring SOM’s most innovative projects. In addition to editorial duties, MacKeith will attend jury proceedings for each of the three issues and will serve as a member of the SOM Journal editorial board. …
Jessica Ruthven, graduate student in anthropology in Arts & Sciences, and Carolyn Sargent, PhD, professor of anthropology, have received a one-year, $18,830 grant from the National Science Foundation for research titled “Health Imaginaries — Ethnographic Research on HIV/AIDS, Knowledge Production, and Applied Theatre in Post-Apartheid South Africa.”