Washington University and Metro, the regional agency that provides public transportation services, have reached an agreement, effective July 1, in which the University will pay Metro for a new program that will provide free Metro passes for full-time students, benefits-eligible faculty and staff, and full-time employees of qualified service providers who perform daily tasks.

The agreement will provide students and other members of the University community much greater access to the St. Louis metropolitan region on public transit. It applies to both Metro buses and the MetroLink light-rail system.
“We are excited about the potential opportunity and advantages this agreement brings to the campus community,” said Lisa Underwood, manager of parking and transportation services. “The program will give students and employees universal access to the entire Metro system, which greatly expands the transportation options currently offered by the University, while preserving or improving the level of shuttle service to which the community has grown accustomed, both on and immediately adjacent to campus.”
The University sought this agreement with Metro to achieve several objectives:
• The agreement will provide the advantages of public transit and reduced commuting costs for approximately 25,000 members of the WUSTL community, a particularly important advantage for lower-paid workers;
• Greater access for students to participate in internships and community service opportunities and to take advantage of cultural and entertainment venues in the region;
• Expanded and faster Metro service between the University’s various campuses and facilities in St. Louis and St. Louis County;
• Consistent service levels throughout the year, including periods when the University is on break;
• ADA accessible trains, buses and services for those who have disabilities or who are mobility challenged;
• The ability to transport bicycles on Metro buses and trains;
• An alternative form of transportation for those who will be impacted by the reconstruction of Interstate 64/U.S. 40;
• Positive environmental impacts through the use of alternative fuels, elimination of duplicate services provided by the University’s shuttle program, and reduced automobile usage and roadway congestion;
• Reduction of parking demands at various University campuses and facilities;
• Enhanced trip planning and customer service offered through the University’s Parking and Transportation Services Office; and
• Ongoing major funding and support for public transportation services in the St. Louis region.
Beginning July 1, the passes will be available at no charge to full-time students, benefits-eligible faculty and staff, and full-time employees of qualified service providers who perform daily tasks.
As the transition to Metro transportation proceeds, the University will begin to reduce its duplicate shuttle services.
For more information, including Metro and WUSTL shuttle maps, go to the University’s Transportation Web site |
The Gold, Red and Blue lines will be phased out over the summer and replaced with Metro service that will largely follow the same routes and schedules previously served by the University’s shuttles.
The Green line will be maintained as an important link between the Hilltop Campus and neighborhoods where large numbers of students live.
The University will also provide a “Hilltop Campus/South 40 Circulator” that will provide shuttle services from the new MetroLink stations at Skinker Boulevard and Forest Park Parkway, and at Big Bend Boulevard and Forest Park Parkway, to various locations around the Hilltop Campus and the South 40.
The Parking & Transportation Services Office will be posting additional route, schedule and Metro pass information at transportation.wustl.edu as it becomes available, including details as to when and where Metro passes will be issued to those students, faculty and staff who qualify for the program.