The Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy will kick off its fall forum series with a half-day symposium on “Taxing Temptation: Excise Taxes and Health” from 9 a.m.-noon Sept. 23 in the Bryan Cave Moot Courtroom in Anheuser-Busch Hall.
The series, which is free and open to the public, also includes forums on education finance (Nov. 4) and monetary policy (Nov. 30).

The “Taxing Temptation” program will focus on implications for the health-care industry of excise taxes and individual welfare and social policy. Participants will include industry representatives as well as nationally recognized scholars on issues of excise taxes, regulated industries and public health.
Speakers will include James R. Hines Jr., a professor of business and economics at the University of Michigan; William J. Adams, professor of economics at the University of Michigan; and Jeff Strnad, the Charles A. Beardsley Professor of Law at Stanford University.
The “Education Finance” forum, to be co-hosted with the Federal Reserve of St. Louis, will run from 8:15 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 4.
This nontechnical discussion will explore public-education funding formulas and the relationship between funding and student achievement. The program will feature extensive discussion of how these issues relate to the ongoing debate over public-education financing in Missouri.
Participants will include leading scholars in the areas of school finance and accountability, as well as several public-school superintendents and state legislators.
“Monetary Policy” will be the topic of the Nov. 30 discussion featuring Laurence Meyer, former member of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve. The location and other details for this forum are still being confirmed.
Detailed agendas for each event are online at
For more information, contact Melinda Warren at 935-5652 or