Chemistry and biology undergraduate student Brent Cameron (left) studied prions, misfolded proteins linked to some human neurodegenerative disorders, this summer in the laboratory of David Harris, M.D., Ph.D., professor of cell biology and physiology. Cameron came to Harris’ lab from Pittsburgh State University through the Biomedical Research Apprenticeship Program (BioMed RAP), which annually brings approximately 15 talented undergraduate students to campus for 10 weeks of research in the labs of WUSTL faculty mentors. The program particularly encourages participation of students from minority groups who are traditionally underrepresented in biomedical research. At the end of the program, Cameron and other BioMed RAP students presented their scientific results at a poster session and attended an awards luncheon. During the summer, students also participated in a variety of presentations and programs designed to help prepare them for graduate study in the biomedical sciences. BioMed RAP is part of the diversity efforts of the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences; Harris chairs the Diversity Steering Committee and is the director of BioMed RAP.