Image gallery offers ‘day in the life’ of 150th Party
High-resolution news photos available for same-day downloads
Looking for high-resolution digital images to illustrate news coverage of Washington University’s 150th birthday? Look no further than the Birthday Party Gallery, an online archive offering easy access to print quality images from party events on both the Hilltop and Medical School campuses. On Sept. 14, the Gallery will be updated often with fresh images from the party; additional images will be added the next morning. Gallery 3 includes file photos and other 150th related images distributed in advance of the event.
Goldilocks (far left) and her lawyer Porridge “Porry” Mason await the jury’s decision along with the three bears- Pop A. Bear, Mom A. Bear and Babe E. Bear and their lawyer F. Lee Bearly (in vest) during Three Bears v. Goldilocks at noon in the Bryan Cave Moot Courtroom at Anheuser Busch Hall. Goldilocks lost the case and was held liable for the cost of Babe E. Bear’s broken chair.Marios Giannakis (left) and Maniel Liu (second from left), both second year medical students and members of the Young Scientist Program, show visitors a real human brain.Seven-year-old Richard Edwards works the control platform the Mars rover during a demonstration of space engineering experiments in Lopata Hall. The outreach program aims at capturing students’ interest in science and technology through hands-on participation in actual space projects.AAt the Kids Corner, children dress up like doctors. Shown from left to right are Walter Chan, a fourth year medical student; party guests Alexis Dallas and T.J. Lucas; and Monica Ghe, a first year medical student.Michael Wysession, Ph.D., associate professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences, lends a helping hand to his four-year-old daughter Elizabeth in front of Brookings Hall.Members of After Dark, the student acapella group, perform for a packed house at Holmes Lounge.Steve Kohler, medical public affairs, takes a break from setting up signs to enjoy some cotton candy and Ted Drewes ice cream specially made for the Sesquicentennial with his wife, Peggy, and daughter Roxanne.(From left) Glenda Wiman, assistant dean and assistant vice chancellor for special programs, adjusts balloons with Cami Taylor, programs specialist, in front of the Center for Advanced Medicine.Nine-year-old Courtney Powell meets members of the men’s and women’s basketball teams during the basketball clinic at 11 a.m. in the Athletic Complex. More than 15 young people took part in the clinic and learned the proper form for dribbling, passing and shooting from coaches and players.Luke Starnes, graduate student in medicine and a member of the Young Scientist Program, talks with Ellen Wright about micro-organisms, in the lobby of the McDonnell Sciences Building.