A craving for challenges
With a Dominican heritage, a childhood spent in Puerto Rico and a primarily American education, it’s no surprise Gregorio A. Sicard, M.D., craves variety, both in his professional and personal life. Having spent more than 30 years at the School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Sicard has been at the Medical Campus longer than almost […]
Protein may prevent autoimmune attacks
Medical school researchers have shown that the protein H2-DM can keep immune system T cells from erroneously assaulting the body’s own tissues.
Increasing volunteers: University researchers stress importance of clinical trials
If patients eligible for clinical trials for new treatments fail to participate, the new treatments and their potential benefits will be lost.
Finding a better way: Simpler, cheaper prosthetics developed by researchers
A new process may expedite and simplify the procedure for the estimated 400,000 Americans with an amputated limb.
Children needed for language skills study
Participants will be asked to complete three visits, will be paid for their time and will receive a picture of their brain.
Thrill of the chase
When asked what he enjoys about his job, Renal Division Director Marc R. Hammerman, M.D., doesn’t hesitate. “The opportunity to be creative in a scientific sense and in an administrative sense,” he says. “Absolutely, that’s it.” Lynn Wesselmann, administrative assistant for the Renal Division, has worked with Hammerman for nearly a quarter of a century, […]
State of the art
Photo by Bob BostonMedical students admire the sculpture Techno-Primitive by Ralph Paquin, on display in front of Olin Residence Hall on Scott Avenue.
World’s top scholars on modern human origins to gather here
The last of Arts & Sciences’ four-part “Conversations” series will be held from 10-11:30 a.m. March 26 in Graham Chapel.
Rankings have medical school, GWB at No. 2
The Department of Biomedical Engineering in the School of Engineering & Applied Science moved up two spots to 14th in the nation.
New Electronics Shop offers array of services
Photo by Bob BostonSenior design engineer Arnold Heidbreder and research associate Gavin Perry work in the Electronics Shop.This comprehensive electronics repair shop and instrument fabrication facility can help with new project design and repairs of old devices, too.
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