Tour de medical school

A cancer survivor, he is leading 26 riders on a weeklong Tour of Hope bike ride across America to tout research and the importance of clinical trials.

Lens replacement material may improve cataract treatment, eliminate bifocals

New lens replacement material may aid cataract patientsA gel-like material eventually could replace diseased and aging lenses in the eyes of patients with cataracts. The material also might eventually mean the end of bifocals and contact lenses for millions of people who suffer from presbyopia — literally “old vision” — a condition that makes it difficult for people over 40 to read without magnification. Researchers from the Veterans Affairs (VSA) Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine reported on the gel in New York at the 226th national meeting of the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society. The technology could represent a totally different approach to the treatment of cataracts and presbyopia.

Grace under pressure

Not long ago, Diana L. Gray, M.D., gently told a young teacher expecting her first child that without fetal interventive surgery, her unborn baby boy most likely would not survive. Gray was faced with the most difficult aspect of being an obstetrical geneticist. She had to explain that an expanding cyst was compressing the baby’s […]
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