A warm welcome

Photo by Bob Boston123 first-year students of the Class of 2008 were presented Aug 13 with their white coats, long a symbol of the medical profession.

Cervical cancer patients could benefit from better Medicaid, insurance coverage

Cervical cancer is one of the easiest cancers to detect early. It’s also one of the easiest to treat, if caught early. WUSM researchers even developed a method for gauging the effectiveness of treatment to determine the best therapy for each patient, but many insurance companies and Medicaid won’t pay for the process – a routine PET scan. Kay Quinn provides more details in the following St. Louis Post-Dispatch article.

Class of ’08 welcomed at annual White Coat Ceremony

It wasn’t a fashion show, but more than 120 incoming students donned new attire Aug. 13 during the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine’s annual White Coat Ceremony. The ceremony welcomes incoming medical students, and the white coat is symbolic of their transition into the study of medicine and their role as care givers.
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