Rising costs of health care pose huge challenges

National experts addressed the most pressing political issues in health care at the Oct. 7 “Health Care Challenges Facing the Nation” conference at the Washington University Medical Center. Prominent among the bevy of hot topics were discussions about limiting access to health care to help alleviate rapidly escalating health care costs. Read more in the following St. Louis Post-Dispatch article by Rachel Melcer.

Eberlein elected to Institute of Medicine

EberleinTimothy J. Eberlein has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine, one of the highest honors medical scientists in the United States can receive. He was selected in recognition of his professional achievements in medical science and health care and leadership in issues affecting public health.

Study seeks volunteers to help uncover genetic basis of depression

Is depression rooted in our genes?Researchers at the School of Medicine are recruiting volunteers as part of an international study designed to uncover the genetic basis of major depression. Identification of susceptibility genes could revolutionize the current understanding of the disease and guide the design of new drugs to prevent or treat this debilitating disorder.

A natural healer

“Never imagine problems before they happen,” advises Ming You, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Chemoprevention Program at the Siteman Cancer Center. “Just start in, deal with problems as they come and many times they will be much simpler to solve than you thought.” His pragmatic philosophy may explain how You rapidly rose from a turbulent […]
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