Homeless for the holidays
Alcohol and drug abuse remain the biggest problems among homeless individuals.The homeless population is changing. In the days of the Great Depression, many homeless people were victims of bad luck and a worse economy. But after studying St. Louis’ homeless population since the 1980’s, experts at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis say the problem has become more complex in recent times.
First analysis of chicken genome offers many new insights
Red jungle fowlThe first detailed analysis of the chicken genome has identified a chicken counterpart to an important human immune system protein, revised scientists’ assessment of the chicken’s sense of smell, and suggested that the chicken, long used to study gene activity in the earliest stages of life, may provide a good model for studying changes in DNA linked to aging and death.
SIDS risk linked to lack of experience with tummy-sleeping
On their backs is the safest way for babies to sleep. Babies who never sleep on their stomachs don’t learn behaviors that may lessen their risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), researchers at the School of Medicine have found. Even so, the researchers caution that infants should always be placed on their backs to sleep.
Want a second opinion before surgery? Free service offered
The University’s cardiothoracic surgeons are dedicated to providing a second opinion within 48 hours of receiving medical records.
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NIH awards $1.8 million to center for biodefense, emerging diseases research
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded an additional $1.8 million to the Midwest Regional Center of Excellence in Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Research (MRCE), a multi-institutional research center anchored at WUSM.
WUSTL-associated startup Apath is model of success
It has generated enough profit in just seven years to contribute $1 million in royalty payments back to the School of Medicine.
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Sickle cell spotlight
A new postage stamp aims to increase awareness and educate the public about sickle cell disease and to encourage early testing.
Nanomedicine research technique advances heart care
Medical school researchers helping the improvement of miniscule particles can detect the beginning stages of clogged arteries in animals.
Balancing act
Ever since Dora E. Angelaki, Ph.D., left the small Greek island of Crete to attend college, she’s pursued her dream of becoming an academic with what her colleagues agree is one of her most distinguishing features: energy. “Dora is a scientific dynamo, and her boundless energy and enthusiasm are infectious for students and faculty alike,” […]
Grant boosts sickle cell disease programs
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services awarded the University’s Sickle Cell Disease Medical Treatment and Education Center $24,683.
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