Washington University to host “Maximizing Civic Engagement of Older Adults,” an official White House Conference on Aging event, Feb. 15

With the first wave of baby boomers preparing for retirement, the 2005 White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA) will be an important opportunity to assess aging in America and improve the lives of older Americans. St. Louis will play a significant role in shaping the discussion at the conference through “Maximizing Civic Engagement of Older Adults,” a public forum and official WHCOA event hosted by the George Warren Brown School of Social Work and the Center for Aging at Washington University 9 a.m. Feb. 15 in Brown Lounge.

Hypertension in African Americans linked to two genomic regions

A first-of-its-kind application of a novel statistical method of analysis to African Americans has identified regions on chromosomes 6 and 21 that likely harbor genes contributing to high blood pressure in that group. The novel statistical method, called admixture mapping, narrowed the search for genes related to hypertension, bringing researchers and doctors closer to finding more effective treatments.

Children with Down syndrome can greatly benefit from early treatment

Early treatment is key with Down syndrome.Down syndrome is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, and its occurence is random 95 percent of the time. The condition can be detected during pregnancy, and intervention during infancy can greatly improve outcomes for children with Down syndrome. Learn more about this condition, which affects 350,000 Americans, in the following St. Louis Post-Dispatch article by WUSM pediatrician Kathy Grange.

New stroke-prevention drug may not be cost effective for all patients

A new study has shown a stroke-prevention drug designed to be an improvement over prior treatments is less cost-effective for most patients than warfarin, the blood thinner with a 50-year history of helping prevent blood clots and strokes. The study, conducted by researchers at the School of Medicine found, however, that the new drug would be cost-effective for those atrial fibrillation patients whose risk of bleeding is high.

February 2005 Radio Service

Listed below are this month’s featured news stories. • Is field turf safe? (week of Feb. 2) • Heart surgery and depression (week of Feb. 9) • Reversing Alzheimer’s in mice (week of Feb. 16) • Age affects cervical cancer treatments (week of Feb. 23)

Treating the whole patient

Sometimes, the innocence of youth is captured in a moment; other times, in a place. For Abby S. Hollander, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics, that place was — and is — summer camp. While growing up, Hollander spent many summers as a camper and counselor at Camp New Moon, tucked among pine trees in the […]
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