Incredibly dedicated

Photo by Robert BostonRuth Guzman receives the 2004 Dean’s Distinguished Service Award — the highest honor given to a medical staff member.

Medical malpractice crisis requires major effort from many groups

On the heels of President Bush’s call for medical liability reform during a recent visit to Collinsville, Ill., Washington University hosted a conference on the same topic, “Medical Malpractice and Tort Reform: Finding Truth and Common Ground.” Medical and legal experts gathered to discuss the hard road that must be paved toward a solution for this growing national concern. The consensus of the conference seemed to be that cooperation is the key.

Potentially harmful fluoride levels found in some instant teas

Some instant teas may contain excess fluoride.Instant tea, one of the most popular drinks in the U. S., may be a source of harmful levels of fluoride, researchers at the School of Medicine report. The researchers found that some regular strength preparations contain as much as 6.5 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride, well over the 4 ppm maximum allowed in drinking water by the Environmental Protection Agency and 2.4 ppm permitted in bottled water and beverages by the Food and Drug Administration.
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