W.M. Keck Foundation funds study of “friendly” microbes

You could say that the Human Genome Project missed 99 percent of the genes in the adult body. That’s because it didn’t sequence genes belonging to the vast communities of bacteria that normally live on and in us. Now a $1.45 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation to researchers at the School of Medicine will help fill this gap by funding a study to develop new approaches for isolating, sequencing and analyzing the genomes of “friendly” bacteria that inhabit the intestine and identifying the natural metabolic products that they synthesize in their native gut habitats.

A safe haven

Photo by Robert BostonProject ARK coordinates medical care, social support and prevention services for people who are infected, affected or at risk for HIV.

Washington University to host “Maximizing Civic Engagement of Older Adults,” an official White House Conference on Aging event, Feb. 15

With the first wave of baby boomers preparing for retirement, the 2005 White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA) will be an important opportunity to assess aging in America and improve the lives of older Americans. St. Louis will play a significant role in shaping the discussion at the conference through “Maximizing Civic Engagement of Older Adults,” a public forum and official WHCOA event hosted by the George Warren Brown School of Social Work and the Center for Aging at Washington University 9 a.m. Feb. 15 in Brown Lounge.
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