A jack-of-all-trades

In its Clinical and Translational Research Program, the Siteman Cancer Center runs about 350 clinical trials simultaneously, gathering health information from hundreds of patients. To set up each study and analyze the resulting data requires expertise in biostatistics. This keeps J. Philip Miller, the biostatistics core director at Siteman, very busy. He and his staff […]

Community outreach

Courtesy PhotoUniversity physical therapy students worked with St. Louis seniors to help them prepare for the Mature Mile.

Profile of tumor genes shows need for individualized chemotherapy

A look at the activity of 24 genes in 52 patients as those genes respond to the chemotherapy drug 5-fluorourancilOncologists aren’t sure exactly why patients with the same cancer often respond very differently to the same treatment, but a growing body of evidence suggests the answer lies somewhere in the genes. Now researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have become the first to profile the activity of whole sets of genes involved in processing chemotherapeutic drugs.

Adult and child brains perform tasks differently

As our brains mature, we tend to use the red regions more frequently for these certain tasks, using the regions represented in blue less.Children activate different and more regions of their brains than adults when they perform word tasks, according to investigators at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Reporting in the journal Cerebral Cortex, the researchers say those changes in regional brain activity from childhood to adulthood may reflect the more efficient use of our brains as we mature.

Surviving your child’s adolescence

Adolescence can be a trying time for the whole family.Adolescence is characterized by dramatic physical changes as young people grow from childhood to physical maturity. During adolescence, we gain 50 percent of our adult weight and 20 percent of adult height while going through puberty and developing the ability to reproduce. With so many physical and emotional changes occurring at the same time, Washington University adolescent medicine researchers at St. Louis Children’s Hospital say it’s important for parents to be prepared for change. They also must be ready to listen to their children at any time, day or night, and do as much as possible to stay involved in their lives.
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