Scientists make case for federal funding of stem cell research
TeitelbaumSteven Teitelbaum, professor of pathology and immunology, was one of several experts invited to testify before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, chaired by Senator Arlen Specter, regarding the benefits of stem cell research. Read Teitelbaum’s testimony here.
High-risk women wanted for breast cancer prevention study
A drug potentially able to prevent breast cancer in high-risk women is the subject of a new clinical study at the School of Medicine. The drug, called exemestane, belongs to a new class of breast-cancer drugs called aromatase inhibitors.
Missouri genetic disorder’s roots untangled by international team
An international team of researchers has partially untangled the genetic details of a mysterious disorder that formerly caused seizures and death in infant boys within a month of birth.
“Big picture” of brain changes may be crucial to recovery from stroke injury
A study of patients who have difficulty paying attention to the left side of their environment has provided some of the first direct evidence that brain injury can cause detrimental functional changes in brain regions far from the site of the actual injury.
Building a new approach to medicine
Designed to bring together great scientific minds in a comfortable, productive atmosphere, the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center became the new focal point at the School of Medicine in August. Read more about the $35 million state-of-the-art facility in the following St. Louis Post-Dispatch article.
Obstetrics and gynecology receives first training grant in reproductive sciences
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the School of Medicine is starting its first federally-funded training program to provide support for postdoctoral fellows in reproductive sciences.
October 2005 Radio Service
Listed below are this month’s featured news stories.
• Sunlight is good for teeth (week of Oct. 5)
• Countdown to drug dependency (week of Oct. 12)
• Cell phones don’t stress human cells (week of Oct. 19)
• Beta-blocker use depends on genes (week of Oct. 26)
Shorter colds, milder flu may be on the horizon
Enlisted to help fight viral infections, immune cells called macrophages consume virus-infected cells to stop the spread of the disease in the body. Now researchers at the School of Medicine have uncovered how macrophages keep from succumbing to the infection themselves.
Digital mammography may better detect breast cancers
Physicians from 33 sites in the United States and Canada participated in the Digital Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial.
Milbrandt installed as first Clayson professor of neurology
Milbrandt has been involved in studies over the past 15 years that were peripherally related to motor neuron disease or ALS.
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